Saturday, August 9, 2014

To Love this Moon is To Love Myself.

The full moon is rising tonight.  This moon is about looking deep into yourself and seeing the changes within yourself.  To manifest these changes on the outside.  This can make things a little more dramatic in your life but it will be all worth it. Just don't feed into the drama.

This full moon means so much to me.  It is the first full moon at my own place (last months full moon doesn't count).  I am for the first time in a long time...single.  I usually have someone in the wings but I have decided I need a break.  I need to focus on me.  I need to learn to love myself.  I always thought I loved myself but lately I have felt that something was missing.

So since this moon is about looking deep inside of yourself and showing more of your true self on the outside, I think it is a wonderful time to take a hard look at my life.  I am going to spend some time during this full moon to look deep into my heart and work on making the necessary changes to live my life like I have always wanted.

I hope everyone has a blessed evening and bask in this beautiful moon.



Friday, August 8, 2014

Back To School

It is that time of year again.  My house has been a flurry of activity.  We have been doing our back to school shopping.  I have also been organizing my house so that hopefully (crossing fingers) I will be able to keep my house kept up so I don't have to spend a whole day cleaning on the weekends.

This semester will be challenging for me.  I decided to take two classes online on top of the two that I will be taking at the college.  For me to get my degree and still work full-time, this is the only way I can work my degree plan.  I am not happy about it and I decided this year that I am going to start becoming part of the college community and joining a couple clubs so that I can try to make some changes.  Non-traditional students make up a big part of the student population at this college but yet, they treat us as if we are only a blip.  Most classes don't start till 9 or 10 in the morning and they don't offer very many night classes that are not the core classes that everyone has to take.  This makes it hard for the students who work, have families, and don't have the luxury of being available at all times of the day to take classes.  

But anywho....School will start in about a week.

I am hoping to keep up with my blog while I am at school.  I have so many things I have written down that I want to talk about.  

